Tuesday, March 24, 2009

2 favorite blogs

check out http://www.mycharmingkids.net/ and http://www.audreycaroline.blogspot.com/

these are my 2 favorite blogs and this week is a tough one. I am particularly struck with the topic they are discussing in the midst of crisis; God's sovereignty; I found this link,
http://www.gotquestions.org/free-will-sovereign.html, and thought it was helpful. I am still confused about believing in a sovereign God who has given us free will and where prayer falls into that. I believe with all of my heart that prayer can and does change things. I know baby audrey is rejoicing in heaven right now, and I also believe that baby Stellan can be healed here on earth, but as to the answers of why one mother has to grieve the loss of her baby and one get's to hold her's in her arms, I am at a loss to even comprehend why that happens. Wish I could articulate better what I am feeling, just know that I love God and believe he has a plan for all of us and that prayer is a wonderful thing.

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