Wednesday, March 24, 2010

random updates

so march has not been any different that other months in 2010 so far...crazy busy!!!!
just a little update on what we have been doing!

Jackson had a field trip to the New Orleans Insectarium last week! He got this blue Icee after watching his teacher and classmates eat bugs at the bug cafe. Didn't go over so well for him. (or mom) :) we had a great time!
Jackson scored his first goal EVER!! Soccer ended this week but not before jackson got the hang of playing and scored one goal in a game and then 2 goals the last game of the season! we are so proud!! T-ball started this week so we move from one sport, on to the next!
I've been attempting to redo this chair for 3 months now and am stuck here...
soccer trophy at end of the year party!
This was jackson's kindergarden Bible character presentation.  He was Daniel and gave a great presentation on being in the lion's den and God protecting him! again, so proud! (there is Ms. Brandi, his teacher that we all adore)

here is my baby, logan, floating in the tub...he's been in the tub a lot this month.  That's his happy place when he is sick.  And boy has he been sick (and shared the germs with me)  After last week's strep throat, we have now moved onto a new antibiotic for another fever with bronchitis.  The breathing machine is humming again and my poor baby just needs to get better soon!  He is going to be starting T-ball and is so excited to be a Yankee!

"mom, do i have to take a nap today?"
"no baby, why don't we just watch a movie!"
3 minutes into the movie :)

Gramma Jeanne went home today...we will miss seeing her whenever we want to.  We had a great 2 months of her here with my parents! Back to New York and the cold for her!
(i've been sick thus the puffy look to my face!)

so there is a little recap of what the marble's are up to.  there was also dad's birthday, 100 day kindergarden party, more school fun, lots of yard work, etc. that i will catch up on in another post!!
happy wednesday!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

germs strike again...

so logan was up with a 104.4 fever last night and croupy cough.  john and i took turns holding him through the night. he did better sleeping up on our chests. LONG night. spent 3 hours at urgent care today when his fever wouldn't break...strep throat is the diagnosis. poor little guy!

on a totally different hubby's book is in!!!!  his second edition of his book shipped friday and i am so proud of him!  he also had a computer designer make his book into an iphone app!! how cool to be able to search my hubby on itunes and see his book there!!!!  God has blessed us so much! if you know anyone in anesthesia, check out my husband's button for his website on my sidebar or search anesthesia on itunes and his book is What I was not necessarily Taught about Anesthesia!

we are having great spring weather and i spent some time in the yard this past week. so good to be in my happy place when enjoying the outdoors. love planting flowers and getting the yard looking good after a really cold winter!

hope y'all had a great weekend and a great week ahead. i have a crazy week this week!!!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Friday, March 5, 2010

InCourage repost

wow, this sums up how i've been feeling lately...amazing

check out this post.

be still my heart...

I have issues...

So I have had tons of thoughts swirling around my brain the past few weeks and figured I would sit down for a moment and try to get them out on paper.  Maybe you guys can help me or relate a little bit.  Even as I type, I am distracted by what I should be or need to be doing at this very moment.  But, I plopped down on my computer to "escape" all that should be done.  Now I did just go to the grocery and put stuff away.  I have chicken marinating to grill and moved a load of clothes through the laundry.  So here I sit, a reward or something like that, to type and clear my head. 
First item up for business...I have so much to do and so little time!!!! Actually I have so much I WANT to do and so little time management that there is always things that have to be done and I don't get around to what I want to do.  For example, I am so pitifully behind on scrapbooking I want to cry and throw in the towel.  But then I get inspired or motivated and want to catch up but can't justify sitting down to do crafty things when the house is a mess, bible study homework is undone, and so many other things need to be attended to.  I guess my root dilema lies in my lack of organization and house upkeep.  There is ALWAYS house work.  How do you all do it?? I only have 2 kids and it seems everything is in disarray all the time.  So I then get frustrated with all the laundry, housework, general life upkeep (bills, phone calls, etc.) and end up so sad that I can't craft and have to clean.  What is the best way to keep the house clean and functioning so when the boys are in school I can sit down and get things accomplished??? I get so inspired on all these blogs that I read and want to try all kinds of projects but can't justify it with a pile of laundry to do. sigh.
I know the computer is one of my problems.  Time management is HUGE! Nothing seems to work for me though.  And then I want to add training for a triathlon on top of that! Working out and starting the day after that seems to take half the day!  I find myself frustrated and ineffective as a stay at home mom that maybe works 1 day a week and can't get anything accomplished.  Anyone else feel like that?? Thoughts? Helpful hints?

To go along with kelly's show us your life I thought I would share my average day.

7-8 am wake up.  I am bad about sleeping until the boys wake me up and sometimes if they sleep in it is crazy in the mornings trying to get everyone dressed and out the door.
8:45- leave to take jackson to kindergarden (it only takes 3 minutes to get to school otherwise I would be in huge trouble here! Logan goes MWF to preschool and starts the same time)
9-2:30 on wed and fri both boys are in school and you would think that would be when i could get TONS done. never happens.  I usually run errands that I hate to do if the boys are with me. grocery shop etc.
wed and fri logan and I have the day together and read, garden, play, etc. maybe go to the gym.
during the week we have soccer practice, church bible study, etc so the evenings can get busy too. my husband has a crazy schedule with everyday being a different shift at the hospital so we never have a regular schedule for meals and dinner. That is one thing that bothers me a lot.  The boys are getting older and I think they need a night meal routine.  We do have a regular routine of family time after dinner, baths, homework, reading, and prayers, scripture memory and bedtime with the boys.  They love that time together.  That is it in a nutshell.  I am freaking out because I need to go be productive!  Happy Friday!!!!
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