Sunday, March 14, 2010

germs strike again...

so logan was up with a 104.4 fever last night and croupy cough.  john and i took turns holding him through the night. he did better sleeping up on our chests. LONG night. spent 3 hours at urgent care today when his fever wouldn't break...strep throat is the diagnosis. poor little guy!

on a totally different hubby's book is in!!!!  his second edition of his book shipped friday and i am so proud of him!  he also had a computer designer make his book into an iphone app!! how cool to be able to search my hubby on itunes and see his book there!!!!  God has blessed us so much! if you know anyone in anesthesia, check out my husband's button for his website on my sidebar or search anesthesia on itunes and his book is What I was not necessarily Taught about Anesthesia!

we are having great spring weather and i spent some time in the yard this past week. so good to be in my happy place when enjoying the outdoors. love planting flowers and getting the yard looking good after a really cold winter!

hope y'all had a great weekend and a great week ahead. i have a crazy week this week!!!

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