Saturday, June 18, 2011

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to the most amazing 2 men that I have in my life!! I have been blessed beyond measure!  I love this picture of my dad because it embodies him! He is happy, outgoing, joyful, giving, and has one of the kindest heart of anyone I know!  I am amazed at the love he has for his family and how totally unselfish he is ALWAYS! He has been an awesome example of a Godly man and father throughout the years! I am so proud and honored to have him as a dad!  Happy Father's Day, dad. I love you more than I could ever express.  Thank you for always being a role model to look up to.  Thank you for your time, your compassion, your wisdom, your generosity, and your guidance!  You are amazing and I'm blessed to call you dad! Lots of love from your favorite brown-eyed, brown-haired daughter!!
And then there is this guy! The amazing father of my children! When I got married, I hoped and dreamed that one day we would have a family and raise children together.  I wished for a man that would be a great dad.  I never in a million years would have imagined that my husband would be more amazing at fatherhood than I could ever hope or dream for.  His children are the light in his world and he loves them more than anything (yes, sometimes i'm sure it's even more than me ;)  He gives to these boys like there is no tomorrow and it melts my heart to watch the boy's eyes twinkle in delight when they are playing with their daddy.  He could have worked 12 hours and had the worst day ever, and when he comes home, he drops everything and loves on his boys.  He plays catch, reads them books, teaches them new things, helps them grow, nurtures them, and fills them up to the top with more love than I ever thought possible!  I am so blessed that God placed such a wonderful man in my life to not only be my husband...but to be the best dad in the whole world to our two miracles.  Thank you John for your love and all you do!!! Happy Father's Day! We love you!!!

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