I have so many things i want to say. This morning is already bustling with activities. Granny and grandaddy are here for your birthday. I can't believe how you've grown. Are your really 6 today??? I will write some more later but for now a few pictures of how you've grown...
1 month old
5 months old
7 months old
I'm 1!
19 months old
3 years old
4 years old
5 years old
look who's 6 years old!!!
Oh, how I wish time would slow down. You are such an amazing boy and I am so proud of you and who you are growing up to be! You are a kind, sweet, tenderhearted boy who loves to be with friends and family. You are so concerned with everyone around you and want everyone to be happy. You are easy going and extremely lovable. I love that you need hugs and kisses all day long and aren't scared to ask for them or just steal them!! :) I hear " I love you, mom" at least 100 times a day from your sweet lips and you brighten the room just with your presence. I never would have imagined that all we were concerned about with you in the past few years, would work out just fine. You are expressing yourself so well and I tear up to think about how you have progressed! You still have a few little quirks that make your dad and me laugh. Like when you tell us you have to "take my pants ON!" (oops, you still have a few phrases that you mix up, you really mean OFF). You have an amazing memory and bible verses are your favorite to memorize. You are so smart and reading on a first grade level! Yesterday you wanted to get on the scale, WOW!! you are 58.8 lbs and almost 4 feet tall!! I love you more than words could ever say and look forward to many more years of laughter with you as the biggest brother in our family! Happy 6th Birthday baby!!!